Hi everyone,
My name is Thomas Renckens and I’m the director of the short documentary film ‘The Daydreamers’, which explores the experience of living with MD. Here’s a link to the trailer: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l_MQ9yA142Q
The film is starting to do well in festivals. It’s recently been selected for various academy award qualifying festivals in the US, including Rhode Island Film Festival (August 9 – 15) and Athens International Film + Video Festival (October 15 – 24). Because of COVID, many festivals are also doing online screenings, so there is a possibility of accessing the film through there. On my website, I keep an overview of upcoming screenings for the film: https://thomaswillemrenckens.com/FILM-SCREENINGS
Since making ‘The Daydreamers’, I’ve started the process of developing a long, feature documentary about MD, and I’ve recently been selected to further develop the film as part of this year’s International Documentary Festival Amsterdam – the biggest documentary festival in the world. In addition, I’ve started writing a book, which I’m hoping will be essentially a bundle of different people’s experiences/stories of living with MD.
For this, I need your help. I am keen to speak to more individuals through Zoom/Skype from all over the world about their MD experience. At this stage, it is just for my own research, so you don’t need to worry about it being used immediately for the film or the book.
If you’re interested in talking to me about this, please send an e-mail to:
In your e-mail message, could you please send me the following info:
– Your age
– Your nationality
– A short description of your experience with MD, e.g. how has it affected your life, what do you daydream about, what are your triggers, have you told anyone about it, etc.? Anything that you feel comfortable sharing with me. It doesn’t have to be more than a couple sentences.
I really hope to hear from many of you! If you have any questions at all about what I’m working on, feel free to ask me of course!
Thanks and best,