Saturday, February 15

Call for Participation; Oral History of MD

Graduate student at The New School looking for Interviewees

Awareness comes in many forms, every highschool paper, every graduate research project, is an opportunity for a classroom of young minds to hear this term for the first time. If you’d like to help students out with projects, papers and theses they are listed on under the Participate tab. Here’s our most recent addition:

My name is Hannah and I’m a graduate student at The New School. I’m currently working on an oral history project centered around Maladaptive Daydreaming, and I was wondering if anyone here would be willing to do a Zoom interview with me? I would really, really appreciate it. I’m especially interested in talking to people who have paracosms/imaginary worlds, but I welcome all perspectives. If you’re interested, please reach out to me on here, or email

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