Friday, January 24

Pieces of a Nation Podcast Features MD

Coping With Maladaptive Daydreaming in Everyday Life

Richard Chiu, a Maladaptive Daydreamer himself, and co-host Cameron Logan sit down with their guest to talk about their experiences with MD. Pieces of a Nation is “an interview podcast that makes you feel stuff.” Richard Chiu is an actor, producer and podcaster, click HERE to check out his Linktree.

Kristen Fritzgerald is an activist for Maladaptive Daydreamer’s (MD for short). She has struggled with MD all her life and has learned to manage it and is highly involved with the community.
We take a deep dive into her past, how she interacts with her family and friends and what we can actively do to manage MD’ing.
With special co-host Cameron Logan (Host of My Alien Life Podcast)

To listen to the podcast follow THIS link.

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