A short documentary film by Elena Rubtsova
The purpose of this documentary movie is to spread information about maladaptive daydreaming phenomena, which might help people suffering from it and their surroundings.
Д/ф «Узники мечты. Жизнь с навязчивыми грёзами»/Dream prisoners. A Life with maladaptive daydreaming – YouTube
The film shows phenomenon of maladaptive daydreaming, underlines the reasons for its occurrence and manifestations, describes the dangers associated with it, and also provides suggestions on how to manage the mental state. This movie is based on people’s real stories suffering from maladaptive daydreaming and the scientific opinions of two clinical psychologists, incl. Eli Somer , Ph.D. (Somer first described this phenomenon in 2002).
To watch the film click HERE