More research on MD and ASD published
This month maladaptive daydreaming researchers, Melina West, Eli Somer and Inge-Marie Eigsti, published their second recent paper on the relationship between MD and ASD traits. The paper was published in Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, a journal which publishes “research on intellectual and developmental disabilities, and cognitive impairments resulting from acquired traumatic or nontraumatic brain injury.” This is, currently the third paper to examine MD and ASD. For a full list of MD studies check out the publications tab of the ICMDR.
From the abstract:
A path analysis revealed that broad ASD traits were associated with MD symptoms via the mediating effects of loneliness and emotion regulation difficulties. Moreover, 43% of adults with ASD reported experiences of MD, and hierarchical regression analysis revealed that these symptoms were associated with loneliness and emotion regulation difficulties. A multivariate analysis of covariance to compare groups showed that individuals with co-occurring ASD and MD scored highest on measures of loneliness, emotion regulation difficulties, restricted and repetitive behaviors, and sense of presence in daydreaming, compared to individuals with either ASD or MD alone or those with neither condition.
West, M.J., Somer, E., & Eigsti, I.-M. (2022). Shared Challenges and Cooccurrence of Maladaptive Daydreaming and Autism Spectrum Disorder. Advanves in Neurodevlopmental Disorders.
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