Friday, January 24

Non-MDers needed for ICMDR Study

An appeal from the International Consortium for Maladaptive Daydreaming Research.

We need your help in recruiting comparison non-MD participants!

The Consciousness and Psychopathology lab currently studies reciprocal relations between self-concept, memories, and daydreaming. The maladaptive daydreaming (MD) community has always been very forthcoming. We were less successful in recruiting a non-MD control group which is necessary to understand MD’s effect better. Fortunately, we were recently able to secure some funding for this purpose. To compensate respondents for their time, we will send them Amazon voucher gift cards worth $25! Still, it is difficult for us to reach interested non-MD respondents. We appeal to all who are comfortable distributing our Call for participants and encourage them to distribute it further. Please post our Call on your social media and share it with your contacts. By helping us circulate this Call you will be assisting our effort to get more recognition of MD in the scientific and medical community.

Without your assistance, we will not be able to complete this study.

Many thanks for considering our request!

Ori Meidan (graduate student) and Dr. Nirit Soffer-Dudek

Ben-Gurion University of the Negev

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