Saturday, April 20


Parenthood in daydreaming
Advise, Community

Parenthood in daydreaming

Maladaptive daydreams can sometimes display complex familial structures and this week we asked daydreamers whether they were parents in their daydreams and whether parenthood played a major role in them. For a large part the answer turned negative, interestingly those who answered so made a direct link between their real life and their daydreams: not wanting kids, they don’t imagine having them either in their imaginary lives. For those who were not opposed to it, parenthood is often depicted in an idyllic fashion: “I have had daydreaming phases where I was pregnant or holding my newborn in my arms, hugging and rocking it. I never daydreamed the “bad sides” of having a baby such as switching diapers, baby cries, being woken up at night… in short, everything down to earth and ...
Are you troubled by negative daydreams?

Are you troubled by negative daydreams?

"If you can begin to understand that your frightening fantasies are no longer helping, you can learn to change gears and try to get them out of your mind. Just because a daydream flashes into your mind doesn't mean you have to run with it until it's conclusion. " excerpt from the article, Dealing with worry based fantasies and daydreams. read the full article at the link below, DAYMARES
Call for Participation: Childhood Adversity

Call for Participation: Childhood Adversity

Are adverse childhood experiences related to psychological disorders? You are invited to participate in a research study about childhood adversity and psychological well-being. You may participate whether or not you have experienced adverse events during childhood. More specifically, this study investigates how traumatic and/or adverse events before the age of 18 are related to later psychological experiences in adulthood. This study is completed entirely online. You will answer some questions about your background, and fill out questionnaires about childhood experiences and your current thoughts, feelings, and experiences. This study will last approximately 30-40 minutes and you will have the option to participate in a lottery to win one of two $50 USD Amazon gift cards at the end of ...

All in the Mind Podcast covers Maladaptive Daydreaming

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation Dives into MD Featuring Maladaptive Daydreamer Hannah Byford and Executive Director of the ICMDR, Dr. Soffer-Dudek, ABC dives into MD once more with a 30 minute segment detailing and explaining Maladaptive Daydreaming. As a child, Hannah would spend hours a day in these intricate dreams, building entire new worlds. And by her early 20s, she was spending up to seven hours a day deep in her daydreams.On All in the Mind this week, when daydreams turn dark and the unusual disorder that is 'maladaptive daydreaming.' To listen CLICK HERE
Attachment characteristics and emotion regulation difficulties among maladaptive and normal daydreamers

Attachment characteristics and emotion regulation difficulties among maladaptive and normal daydreamers

New research paper published! Hungarian members of ICMDR Alexandra Sándor and Judith Molnar coauthored a study on attachment characteristics and emotion regulation among MDers. Maladaptive daydreaming is an excessive form of daydreaming which causes significant distress and functional impairment to the affected individuals. Research on maladaptive daydreaming has intensified in recent years, but its pathogenesis has not yet been clearly elucidated. The aim of the study was to examine the attachment characteristics and the difficulties in emotion regulation among maladaptive and normal daydreamers. 717 individuals were recruited online, 106 of whom were screened as maladaptive daydreamers. The results of the Attachment Style Questionnaire revealed a specific attachment style among ma...
Call for Participation: Research

Call for Participation: Research

SENSE OF AGENCY IN UNUSUAL FORMS OF NOCTURNAL DREAMING AND DAYDREAMING Ben-Gurion University of the Negev invites you to join a study looking at Lucid Dreaming and Maladaptive Daydreaming. They are looking for participants 18 years or older. Study is in English. You will need a PC; you will be asked to perform some simple tasks on your computer and answer some questionnaires. It should take around 45 minutes to complete. You may withdraw, no questions asked, at any time by simply closing the browser. This study is being conducted by the Consciousness and Psychopathology Laboratory of the Department of Psychology in Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. You can send questions or comments to:Dr. Nirit Soffer Dudek, head scientific advisor for the research.No...
Bustle Article Covers MD

Bustle Article Covers MD

Why Maladaptive Daydreaming is All Over Your For You Page Awareness of Maladaptive Daydreaming has gotten a boost as people continue to cope with lock-downs and Covid restrictions across the world. Helped along, in no small part, by the popular online platform of TikTok. On TikTok, videos with the hashtag #maladaptivedaydreaming have over 12 million views, thanks to people exploring the topic during the pandemic. Acting out scenes in your bedroom, concocting an intense storyline set in the Marvel universe while brewing tea — it's all fair game. And there's research to show the phenomenon isn't isolated to TikTok: A study of patients in 70 countries published in Frontiers in Psychiatry in November found that COVID-19, with its unique (and awful) combination of social isolation and...
An interview with the film-maker behind “The Daydreamers”
Arts, Media

An interview with the film-maker behind “The Daydreamers”

Thomas Renckens talks to 2Doc about the first documentary film on Maladaptive Daydreaming. (an English translation) What made you so interested in exploring the psyche? “I grew up in Friesland – a rural region in the north of the Netherlands – and I think this greatlyinfluenced the theme of my films. As a child, I always used to be quite bored. There wasn’tmuch to do in Friesland. I would often lock myself in my room, and created different fantasyworlds in my head. It was a way for me to keep myself entertained. I think I’ve always had anurge not to be present in the real world. I think the fact that I was gay also played a part. Ialways felt different from others. Because of that, the films I make often deal with the themeof fantasy and escapism.” How did you come up with the id...
Call for Participation: French speakers

Call for Participation: French speakers

Recherche rêverie compulsive Bonjour ! Je m'appelle Marina, je suis étudiante en Master 2 de psychologie et je conduis actuellement une recherche sur La relation entre la rêverie compulsive, les émotions et la présences d'évènements de vie négatifs. J'aurais besoin de participant.e.s qui ont au moins 18 ans et qui seraient d'accord pour passer questionnaire en 2 parties dont une en visio conférence (zoom). Je tiens à préciser que la partie en visio conférence est un questionnaire sur la présence d'évènements traumatiques donc soyez avertis pour cela. Toutes les données sont anonymes et vous avez la possibilité de vous retirez à tout moment. Si vous êtes intéressé.e. vous pouvez m'envoyer un message privé, vous pouvez également partager l'annonce. Passez une excellente journéecontact: u...
Maladaptive Daydreaming in an Adult Italian Population During the COVID-19 Lockdown

Maladaptive Daydreaming in an Adult Italian Population During the COVID-19 Lockdown

New Maladaptive Daydreaming study published by Italian team. A new study was published that looked at the experiences of over 6,000 Italian adults. Findings point to MD having a detrimental effect on MDers in lockdown rather than serving as an effective coping strategy. Click here to view the study or read the abstract below. During the COVID-19 outbreak, individuals with or without mental disorders may resort to dysfunctional psychological strategies that could trigger or heighten their emotional distress. The current study aims to explore the links between maladaptive daydreaming (MD, i.e., a compulsive fantasy activity associated with distress and psychological impairment), psychological symptoms of depression, anxiety, and negative stress, and COVID-19-related variables, such...
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