Saturday, February 15


Announcement, Community

A Day in the Life of a daydreamer

Maladaptive daydreaming disorder support group on Facebook now has a new sub group. Our main group has always been about supporting each other in coping with the negative aspects of md and striving to improve our real lives. Our new subgroup is a more relaxed conversational group for just talking about all aspects of daydreaming.

How did daydreamers find out about maladaptive daydreaming?

Becoming aware of a different behavior in oneself is already difficult enough. But then how to find an explanation to it, and how to find out whether we are the only ones to experience it? What searches lead to a condition that’s not quite yet recognized by the scientific community? This week we asked daydreamers how they found out about the term “maladaptive daydreaming”. Some daydreamers of an inquisitive nature were led by their  own introspection to search if everyone was developing such intense universes and daydreaming sessions. “One day, I asked myself whether everybody was inventing such stories or whether I was the only one.” Or they were motivated by the feeling of a difference between them and their relatives or friends. “Even if I wasn’t sad, there was a big f...

What maladaptive daydreaming is not

We have already explained what Maladaptive Daydreaming is. We'll tell in this video what IS NOT. Maladaptive daydreaming is not to be confused with normal dreams, with creativity, with ADHD or other situations we'll tell about. (English subtitles available)
Phenomenological analysis of maladaptive daydreaming associated with internet gaming addiction: a case report

Phenomenological analysis of maladaptive daydreaming associated with internet gaming addiction: a case report

Maladaptive Daydreaming Associated with Internet Gaming Addiction Researchers from New Delhi, India, recently published an academic paper detailing the case of a 16 year old boy with both Maladaptive Daydreaming and a gaming addiction. The paper talks about his therapy and management, read the abstract below: Maladaptive daydreaming (MD) is an immersive fantasy activity that leads to distress and socio-occupational dysfunction. MD has many features suggestive of behavioural addiction, but research exploring the phenomenology of this clinical construct is limited. MD has also been purported to be a maladaptive strategy to cope with distress, but often leads to uncontrollable absorption in fantasy world, social withdrawal and neglected aspects of everyday life. In this paper, we repo...
Support for MD on Zoom
Announcement, Resource

Support for MD on Zoom

Maladaptive Daydreaming Community Support Group User Scole has started a support group which meets on Zoom weekly. Two times are available, one Friday and one Sunday, to accommodate a variety of time zones. Users get together (video not required) and discuss their experiences in a guided discussion. As of now the group sits at about 3 members, meeting invites are posted on both Discord and Reddit. If you're interested in taking part, or want to learn more, join the Discord for more information.
Community Tricks and Advise

Community Tricks and Advise

Top 5 tips from r/maladaptivedreaming The Maladaptive Daydreaming subReddit, r/maladaptivedreaming, keeps an ongoing thread of community generated comments that members can add to. These are methods which other MDers have found success with in their own lives and are left for others who may find them helpful. Below are the top five most upvoted comments from the original archived post. IDownvoteMyOwnStuff:Recently I found out that if I film myself doing something, I can combat the habit of just pacing around daydreaming about things instead. I’ve basically started having a pretend YouTube channel where I build my projects. The thought that I’m going to be watched later really makes me be productive. Maybe I’ll actually post the video I’m making.
Çağla Altıntaş on the Turkish community Özgür Düş and Maladaptive Daydreaming

Çağla Altıntaş on the Turkish community Özgür Düş and Maladaptive Daydreaming

In this video Turkish psychologist Çağla Altıntaş explains a bit about Maladaptive Daydreaming and her hopes for the Turkish community. English subtitles are available in the video and there is a transcription below Özlem: Hello! Could you please tell us about yourself and about this Platform? Altıntaş: Sure. My name is Çağla Altıntaş, I am a psychologist. I've created Özgür Düş Platform in order to convey information specifically about Maladaptive Daydreaming, to evaluate the accuracy of information scattered around the web and make it accessible to people that need it, and to make the scientifically accurate information more understandable. Even though we are concentrating on maladaptive daydreaming content we create will also b...
Attachment Characteristics and Emotion Regulation Difficulties  Among Maladaptive and Normal Daydreamers.

Attachment Characteristics and Emotion Regulation Difficulties Among Maladaptive and Normal Daydreamers.

ICMDR announces a new study published on Maladaptive Daydreaming This study was conducted by The University of Debrecen, Hungary. They studied the attachment characteristics and the difficulties in emotion regulation among maladaptive and normal daydreamers. Abstract: Maladaptive daydreaming is an excessive form of daydreaming which causes significant distress and functional impairment to the affected individuals. Research on maladaptive daydreaming has intensified in recent years, but its pathogenesis has not yet been clearly elucidated. The aim of the study was to examine the attachment characteristics and the difficulties in emotion regulation among maladaptive and normal daydreamers. 717 individuals were recruited online, 106 of whom were screened as maladaptive daydreamers....
Overcoming Together Post; How to Write Your Own Medical History and Find the Right Doctor

Overcoming Together Post; How to Write Your Own Medical History and Find the Right Doctor

Advise for Maladaptive Daydreamers and anyone with a difficult to diagnose condition. Overcoming Together gives solid advise in their article How to Write Your Own Medical History and Find the Right Doctor. Here Dr. Stephen J. Bigelsen breaks it down into 7 steps and gives some insight into how to find a doctor who can work with a difficult to diagnose condition.  Overcoming Together is the passion project of Jayne Rachel, a long time advocate and researcher of MD. Being a recovered MDer herself this site is meant to empower MDers, and other people with hard to diagnose or overlooked conditions, and give them agency. Write Your Own History Any doctor will tell you that the first step to making the proper diagnosis is taking a good history. Taking a patient’s history is a...
5 Most Upvoted Questions from Dr. Soffer-Dudek’s AMA
Event, Informative

5 Most Upvoted Questions from Dr. Soffer-Dudek’s AMA

Below are the most popular questions answered by a Maladaptive Daydreaming researcher. r/MaladaptiveDreaming’s annual AMA (ask me anything) was hosted by clinical psychologist Dr. Nirit Soffer Dudek, from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, this year.  She’s a member of the ICMDR, a leading researcher on the topic of Maladaptive Daydreaming. Anonymouselo11 asked:Do you have a favorite part about researching MD or a part of it that you find most fascinating? Also, what are the next steps in the research that you and your colleagues are working on/ is there a specific piece of information that you are hoping to uncover? Well first of all, thanks so much for your kind words. It is very motivating that a lot of people want us to keep doing this... I have a few most-fascinating part...
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