Saturday, February 15


Maladaptive Daydreaming; Signs, Impact and 7 Ways to Stop Doing It
Advise, Uncategorized

Maladaptive Daydreaming; Signs, Impact and 7 Ways to Stop Doing It

Happier Human Tackles MD Happier Human is a book and wesite which takes "the science of happiness" and turns it into "actionable steps for a better life." They recently published this piece on their site about ways to address Maladaptive Daydreaming. If we are to discuss maladaptive daydreaming in the context of happiness, things can get quite complicated. Can we honestly say that people who daydream are less happy and satisfied with their lives than those who choose to anchor themselves in reality?Sadly, researchers have paid little attention to the relationship between happiness and daydreaming. However, some experts believe that daydreaming impact men and women differently. [7] For women, the vividness of daydreaming predicts lower life satisfaction whereas, for men, it’s the f...
Parenthood in daydreaming
Advise, Community

Parenthood in daydreaming

Maladaptive daydreams can sometimes display complex familial structures and this week we asked daydreamers whether they were parents in their daydreams and whether parenthood played a major role in them. For a large part the answer turned negative, interestingly those who answered so made a direct link between their real life and their daydreams: not wanting kids, they don’t imagine having them either in their imaginary lives. For those who were not opposed to it, parenthood is often depicted in an idyllic fashion: “I have had daydreaming phases where I was pregnant or holding my newborn in my arms, hugging and rocking it. I never daydreamed the “bad sides” of having a baby such as switching diapers, baby cries, being woken up at night… in short, everything down to earth and ...

What maladaptive daydreaming is not

We have already explained what Maladaptive Daydreaming is. We'll tell in this video what IS NOT. Maladaptive daydreaming is not to be confused with normal dreams, with creativity, with ADHD or other situations we'll tell about. (English subtitles available)
Community Tricks and Advise

Community Tricks and Advise

Top 5 tips from r/maladaptivedreaming The Maladaptive Daydreaming subReddit, r/maladaptivedreaming, keeps an ongoing thread of community generated comments that members can add to. These are methods which other MDers have found success with in their own lives and are left for others who may find them helpful. Below are the top five most upvoted comments from the original archived post. IDownvoteMyOwnStuff:Recently I found out that if I film myself doing something, I can combat the habit of just pacing around daydreaming about things instead. I’ve basically started having a pretend YouTube channel where I build my projects. The thought that I’m going to be watched later really makes me be productive. Maybe I’ll actually post the video I’m making.
Overcoming Together Post; How to Write Your Own Medical History and Find the Right Doctor

Overcoming Together Post; How to Write Your Own Medical History and Find the Right Doctor

Advise for Maladaptive Daydreamers and anyone with a difficult to diagnose condition. Overcoming Together gives solid advise in their article How to Write Your Own Medical History and Find the Right Doctor. Here Dr. Stephen J. Bigelsen breaks it down into 7 steps and gives some insight into how to find a doctor who can work with a difficult to diagnose condition.  Overcoming Together is the passion project of Jayne Rachel, a long time advocate and researcher of MD. Being a recovered MDer herself this site is meant to empower MDers, and other people with hard to diagnose or overlooked conditions, and give them agency. Write Your Own History Any doctor will tell you that the first step to making the proper diagnosis is taking a good history. Taking a patient’s history is a...
What Do I Do Now?

What Do I Do Now?

First steps after discovering Maladaptive Daydreaming: You've recently discovered Maladaptive Daydreaming and it's all looking a bit overwhelming. There's a lot of people saying a lot of things, some contradictory, and, if we're being honest, you don't even know how you feel about it yet. Is it really a disorder? And if it is, is it really so bad? Are you supposed to want to stop it? Is this even what you have after all? This article doesn't answer any of those questions. I'm afraid this is more of a journey than you were probably hoping. But maybe we can help you find your way: Step 1: Do Nothing. It can take a moment to acclimate to the idea of MD and what it might mean for you and your life.  You can, and should, take some time for yourself to let your thoughts and...
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