Saturday, February 15


MD Makes an Appearance in University of Dundee Graduate Showcase 2021

MD Makes an Appearance in University of Dundee Graduate Showcase 2021

Fine Arts student Rhiannon Dewar talks about her final year case study. Like many students of the class of 2021 end of term projects have migrated to online presentations. Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art and Design too has been showcasing their graduates online. One student, Rhiannon Dewar, is graduating this year with an exhibit on their experiences with Maladaptive Daydreaming. Because Rhiannon conveys their own experiences through art, they would love people to be able to see a physical exhibition in the future. Rhiannon explains: “Even if there was just one person who has a mind that works like mine. If that one person could come in … and get it, which is a lot harder now.”
Art Student Wins with MD

Art Student Wins with MD

Grayson Wise won the T.G. Mays Purchase Award for her art piece “She’s a Dreamer: Italian Remnants,”  University of Oklahoma student, Grayson Wise, won a prize at a student art show with photographs depicting tourism as a Maladaptive Daydreamer. The photographs feature a sightseer in Oklahoma with scenes of Italy drawn over. Wise took photos of a friend around Oklahoma, she said. Later, she went in and digitally drew details that could be seen around Italy over the photographs. Many of the details are drawn in thin, white lines with occasional thicker lines of color throughout. The piece was also heavily inspired by Wise’s experiences with maladaptive daydreaming — a realistic and often distracting form of daydreaming — , she said.
An interview with the film-maker behind “The Daydreamers”
Arts, Media

An interview with the film-maker behind “The Daydreamers”

Thomas Renckens talks to 2Doc about the first documentary film on Maladaptive Daydreaming. (an English translation) What made you so interested in exploring the psyche? “I grew up in Friesland – a rural region in the north of the Netherlands – and I think this greatlyinfluenced the theme of my films. As a child, I always used to be quite bored. There wasn’tmuch to do in Friesland. I would often lock myself in my room, and created different fantasyworlds in my head. It was a way for me to keep myself entertained. I think I’ve always had anurge not to be present in the real world. I think the fact that I was gay also played a part. Ialways felt different from others. Because of that, the films I make often deal with the themeof fantasy and escapism.” How did you come up with the id...
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