Saturday, February 15


New psychology study sheds light on music’s role in maladaptive daydreaming

New psychology study sheds light on music’s role in maladaptive daydreaming

New article by PsyPost Music served not only as a background to these daydreams but also as a trigger that could spontaneously initiate the daydreaming process. This finding is particularly noteworthy, as it highlights the automatic and sometimes uncontrollable nature of maladaptive daydreaming in response to musical stimuli. “For some with maladaptive daydreaming, music is an unavoidable trigger that compromises their sense of control or agency over when they slide into excessive, interfering daydreaming,” Somer explained. “This suggests a concerning addictive or dependent relationship.” New psychology study sheds light on music's role in maladaptive daydreaming ( To read the full article click HERE
Calling the tune in maladaptive daydreaming
Informative, Research

Calling the tune in maladaptive daydreaming

New study published From the abstract: This study aimed to shed light on the role of music in maladaptive daydreaming (MD), a psychological condition characterized by excessive, immersive daydreaming that interferes with well-being and functioning. Forty-one individuals with probable MD participated in asynchronous in-depth email interviews. A thematic analysis yielded three themes describing the role of music in MD. Two homogeneous themes pertained to outlier experiences: Music necessary and Music not desired. The third theme, Music enhances the MD experience, encompassed most of the data retrieved in this study and was further divided into five subthemes: Music avoided in “low energy” daydreaming scenes, Music as white noise, Music enhances MD creativity, Music as an MD trigger c...
New psychology study suggests shame plays key role in link between narcissism and maladaptive daydreaming
Informative, Media

New psychology study suggests shame plays key role in link between narcissism and maladaptive daydreaming

PsyPost Talks About MD Research Findings “The present study highlights a stronger link between vulnerable narcissism and maladaptive daydreaming, and also shows that it is mediated by shame experiences, in line with both studies showing the centrality of feelings of shame in this form of narcissism and evidence of different ways used by narcissists to protect themselves from fully experiencing a deeply embedded sense of shame and inadequacy.”The study sheds light on an important aspect of the personality trait of narcissism. However, it also has limitations that need to be taken into account. Notably, although the statistical model used seems to propose cause-and effect relationships, the design of this study does not allow any conclusions of that type to be made. Additionally, the sa...
Maladaptive Daydreaming vs Inattentive ADHD; How to Spot the Difference
Informative, Uncategorized

Maladaptive Daydreaming vs Inattentive ADHD; How to Spot the Difference

Inflow Describes Similarities and Differences in MD and ADHD Inflow is an app designed to help users manage ADHD, their associated website also publishes articles relevant to that mission. Recently the site published this piece on the differences between MD and Inattentive ADHD. People with and without ADHD daydream. It becomes maladaptive when it interferes with daily life, and the dreamer urgently needs to return to dreaming. Maladaptive daydreaming (MD) is not a recognized mental health condition, but researchers are working towards distinguishing it from other established conditions. MD is often misdiagnosed as ADHD, even though the two are separate. Maladaptive daydreaming can present like ADHD since it can lead to inattentiveness and ...
Mindfulness meditation and self-monitoring reduced maladaptive daydreaming symptoms: A randomized controlled trial of a brief self-guided web-based program.
Informative, Research

Mindfulness meditation and self-monitoring reduced maladaptive daydreaming symptoms: A randomized controlled trial of a brief self-guided web-based program.

New Study Published From the Abstract: All MD measures assessing daydreaming pathology, daydreaming frequency, and life functioning showed significant improvement with a large effect size (ES) from baseline to posttreatment in both intervention groups, whereas the wait-list group showed no significant improvement.Mindfulness with self-monitoring training for MD was superior to mindfulness alone in the short term, but they both were equally efficient in the long term. Both interventions were superior to relying on internet-based support forums only. The clinically significant improvement rate of mindfulness with self-monitoring training was 24%, while the reliable improvement rate reached 39%. At the 6-month follow-up, achievements were maintained. Herscu, O., Somer, E., Federman, ...
Maladaptive Daydreaming and Its Relationship with Psychopathological Symptoms, Emotion Regulation, and Problematic Social Networking Sites Use: a Network Analysis Approach
Informative, Research

Maladaptive Daydreaming and Its Relationship with Psychopathological Symptoms, Emotion Regulation, and Problematic Social Networking Sites Use: a Network Analysis Approach

New paper published! From the abstract: ... Results showed that, compared to non-MDers, MDers showed significantly higher scores in all the study variables, except for cognitive reappraisal. Moreover, in the MDers network, the following patterns were identified: (i) no connections between the cluster of psychopathological symptoms, and neither cognitive reappraisal nor expressive suppression; (ii) a connection, through obsessive–compulsive (OC) symptoms, between the cluster of psychopathological symptoms and MD-interference with life; and (iii) a connection between PSNSU and MD-interference with life. Accordingly, the Network Comparison Test evidenced that the network structures of MDers vs. non-MDers were significantly different (M=.24; p=.01). Overall, higher scores on psychopath...
Shared Challenges and Cooccurrence of Maladaptive Daydreaming and Autism Spectrum Disorder
Informative, Research

Shared Challenges and Cooccurrence of Maladaptive Daydreaming and Autism Spectrum Disorder

More research on MD and ASD published This month maladaptive daydreaming researchers, Melina West, Eli Somer and Inge-Marie Eigsti, published their second recent paper on the relationship between MD and ASD traits. The paper was published in Advances in Neurodevelopmental Disorders, a journal which publishes "research on intellectual and developmental disabilities, and cognitive impairments resulting from acquired traumatic or nontraumatic brain injury." This is, currently the third paper to examine MD and ASD. For a full list of MD studies check out the publications tab of the ICMDR.From the abstract: A path analysis revealed that broad ASD traits were associated with MD symptoms via the mediating effects of loneliness and emotion regulation difficulties. Moreover, 43% of adults ...
Daily Feelings and the Affective Valence of Daydreams in Maladaptive Daydreaming: A Longitudinal Analysis
Informative, Research

Daily Feelings and the Affective Valence of Daydreams in Maladaptive Daydreaming: A Longitudinal Analysis

New Study Published! Hildy Wen, of UMass Amherst, led a peer-reviewed paper, Daily feelings and the affective valence of daydreams in maladaptive daydreaming: A longitudinal analysis, published in Psychology of Consciousness: Theory, Research, and Practice. The findings indicate that individuals who daydream to cope with negative memories, feelings, and realities experience more negative emotions following the daydream. In contrast, individuals who daydream about rewarding pastimes and as a means of wish fulfillment typically experience more positive emotions. From the abstract: Individuals who experience higher levels of depression and daydream intensity experience greater levels of negative emotions after their daydreams. Individuals who daydream to cope with negative memories, fe...
Are Defense Styles Mediators between traumatic Experiences and Maladaptive Daydreaming?
Informative, Research, Resource

Are Defense Styles Mediators between traumatic Experiences and Maladaptive Daydreaming?

New paper published. Alessandro Musetti, Alessio Gori, Giovanni Michelini, Cinzia Di Monte, Christian Franceschini & Rachele Mariani recently published a new paper in Current Psychology; A Journal for Diverse Perspectives on Diverse Psychological Issues. From the abstract: Maladaptive daydreaming (MD) is a new proposed mental disorder in which an excessive absorption in vivid, narrative fantasies generates impairments in various life domains. This study aimed to examine the role of traumatic life experiences and immature, neurotic, and mature defense styles in MD. Three hundred and fifty-six Italian adults, ranging in age from 18 to 60 years completed an online survey, including measures of MD, traumatic life events, and defense styles. A multiple mediation model showed that...
Immersive and Maladaptive Daydreaming and Divergent Thinking in Autism Spectrum Disorders
Informative, Research, Resource

Immersive and Maladaptive Daydreaming and Divergent Thinking in Autism Spectrum Disorders

New paper published! Melina Jay West, Eli Somer and Inge-Marie Eigsti recently published a paper on divergent thinking, MD and ASD. It was published in Imagination, Cognition and Personality, a Sage Journal; "Since 1981, Imagination, Cognition and Personality has presented thoughtful investigations of mental images and fantasies, memory fragments and future anticipations, sensations and emotions, intrapersonal communication, and narrative constructions." The following is from the Abstract: Little is known about the internal mental experiences of individuals with ASD. While some research suggests a limited capacity for imagination, other studies show heightened interest in fantasy and unique forms of creative thinking in ASD. This study explored daydreaming experiences in adults wit...
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