Monday, November 4


New psychology study suggests shame plays key role in link between narcissism and maladaptive daydreaming
Informative, Media

New psychology study suggests shame plays key role in link between narcissism and maladaptive daydreaming

PsyPost Talks About MD Research Findings “The present study highlights a stronger link between vulnerable narcissism and maladaptive daydreaming, and also shows that it is mediated by shame experiences, in line with both studies showing the centrality of feelings of shame in this form of narcissism and evidence of different ways used by narcissists to protect themselves from fully experiencing a deeply embedded sense of shame and inadequacy.”The study sheds light on an important aspect of the personality trait of narcissism. However, it also has limitations that need to be taken into account. Notably, although the statistical model used seems to propose cause-and effect relationships, the design of this study does not allow any conclusions of that type to be made. Additionally, the sa...
Dreaming the Day Away
Media, Uncategorized

Dreaming the Day Away

Epigram Student Newspaper published piece on MD Last month Daisy Wigg, contributor for the University of Bristol's independent student paper, Epigram, published a rundown of Maladaptive Daydreaming. In a case study conducted by the Research Centre for Trauma and Dissociation, one sufferer of MD, Peter, describes using it as a distraction from his isolated reality, triggered by childhood bullying and pictures on the internet. Whilst his creation of alternate realities gave temporary respite, he also notes the regret of missed intimacies and describes himself as lacking a sense of maturity. The centre’s work with Peter did not seek to completely remove the use of daydreaming but looked to adapt it into an effective coping mechanism rather than a compulsion. Dreaming The Day Away (ep...
Maladaptive Daydreaming; What it is, Symptoms & Treatment

Maladaptive Daydreaming; What it is, Symptoms & Treatment

Sportskeeda Dives into MD Contributor, Janvi Kapur, a counselor with a specialization in clinical psychology covered the topic of Maladaptive Daydreaming for Sportskeeda., an Indian sports and esports news website, under their health and wellness section. The following is a list of methods that can help you gain more control:1) Recognize your symptomsYou must first be aware of the signs to assist in treating maladaptive daydreaming. If you're concerned about your daydreams, look for further warning signals such as how they affect your relationships with others and at work, how strongly you want to carry on with them, and how vivid and detailed they are. Maladaptive daydreamers could also notice a decline in the quality of their sleep. Symptoms of Maladaptive Daydreaming: Malad...
Lost in my mind: What happens when we daydream

Lost in my mind: What happens when we daydream

Connecticut Public Radio Show Talks About Maladaptive Daydreaming The Colin McEnroe Show can be described with four words beginning with “E:” eclectic, esoteric, eccentric and echolocation. The fourth one refers to how bats use sound to track their prey, and it really doesn’t have much to do with how we think about the show. It was probably a mistake.The best way to understand us is through the subjects we tackle: Neanderthals, tambourines, handshakes, the Iliad, snacks, ringtones, punk rock, Occam’s razor, Rasputin, houseflies, zippers. About The Colin McEnroe Show | Connecticut Public ( Do you daydream? What do you daydream about? This hour is all about the art of daydreaming. We'll reflect on the value of daydreaming, and why it can be so difficult to talk about ou...
Why the internet is obsessed with maladaptive daydreaming

Why the internet is obsessed with maladaptive daydreaming

i-D Publishes Opinion piece on MD i-D is a British publication, put out by the better-known Vice, it focuses on "youth culture". This month writer Laura Molloy wrote about "The mental health discourse on TikTok sees users confessing to an intense and invasive addiction to letting their mind wander." Given that maladaptive daydreaming often replaces in-person interaction, it’s unsurprising that TikTok's primary demographic, Gen-Z, is resonating en masse with the condition, given that significant periods of their adolescence have been mired in restriction. A study from the University of Haifa found maladaptive daydreamers engaged more frequently in daydreams during periods of pandemic-related quarantine — something that aligns with Tom's experience, who admits to turning to his dayd...
What is Maladaptive Daydreaming?

What is Maladaptive Daydreaming?

RUSSH publishes article on MD RUSSH is a fashion and beauty magazine, but it has a wellness section! And in that section writer, Jahlia Solomon, published a piece about Maladaptive Daydreaming. Daydreams have forever been a favourite pastime, allowing us to disappear into the sweet fantasies of our own minds and live out our dreams. No matter how addictive social media gets, this feels like a pure form of escapism that has stuck around throughout the tests of technological advancements and distractions of today. What happens when daydreams become too real though? 'Maladaptive daydreaming' is making the rounds on TikTok these days with hordes of people diagnosing themselves with the condition. What is 'Maladaptive Daydreaming'? We investigate - RUSSH To read the full article cl...
For the first time, an innovative intervention program offers help for people suffering from maladaptive daydreaming

For the first time, an innovative intervention program offers help for people suffering from maladaptive daydreaming

Eureka Alert Publishes on MD Research EurekAlert! is a nonprofit news-release distribution platform operated by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) as a resource for journalists and the public. Recently they published a piece on the findings of Herchu, Somer, Feldman and Soffer-Dudek's study "Mindfulness meditation and self-monitoring reduced maladaptive daydreaming symptoms: A randomized controlled trial of a brief self-guided web-based program." The study results showed a significant improvement in both treatment groups: a significant positive change was noted in 80 percent of the participants. The improvement occurred almost immediately among individuals who completed the entire program, while the process was more gradual among those who received the p...
Maladaptive daydreaming: Here’s why you find yourself in regular, vivid daydream scenarios and what it means

Maladaptive daydreaming: Here’s why you find yourself in regular, vivid daydream scenarios and what it means

GLAMOUR Publishes a Piece on Maladaptive Daydreaming Glamour is an American woman's magazine in publication since 1939. This month freelance journalist Fiona Ward published a piece on MD in the magazines online newsletter. Below is an excerpt: Most experts say that if your day-to-day life is not hindered by your daydreams, then there's no need to worry. MD can be debilitating – some can feel an ‘urgency’ to daydream, almost as though it is an addiction. This under-researched condition is often connected to dissociative disorder, where sufferers can feel detached from the real world or like they are another person. If you're concerned you may be a maladaptive daydreamer, there is an online platform, Wild Minds Network, where others have shared their stories. If you feel you need h...
The MD Podcast Back for Season Three!
Announcement, Media

The MD Podcast Back for Season Three!

Parallel Lives Podcast Returns to YouTube and Spotify Dimmer and Q return for season three of Parallel Lives; An MD Podcast. Parallel Lives posts a new episode on the 1st and 15th of every month, February through October. Topics cover the length and breadth of the MD experience and feature guests from the MD community. If you'd like to suggest a topic you can contact the show via Below is Episode1, Season3 on YouTube. You can find the show on Anchor (which links to other platforms , such as Spotify) HERE
Daydreaming’s Darkside: The Compulsive, Complex Fantasy Disorder That Dominates Some Peoples Lives

Daydreaming’s Darkside: The Compulsive, Complex Fantasy Disorder That Dominates Some Peoples Lives

The Conversation Covers Maladaptive Daydreaming The Conversation, originally an Australian independent news organization, now has editions all over the world. They publish "trustworthy and informative articles written by academic experts for the general public." This month they turned their attention to MD: There seems to be a strong relationship between OCD and maladaptive daydreaming. One study found that over half of participants with maladaptive daydreaming also exhibited signs of OCD. This may suggest possible shared mechanisms between the two disorders, including intrusive thoughts, dissociation and a lack of cognitive control.Though maladaptive daydreaming has been garnering an increasing amount of attention online and through social media, it’s not yet formally recognised ...
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