Saturday, February 15


The Daydreamers Documentary; New Screenings
Event, Media

The Daydreamers Documentary; New Screenings

The Daydreamers comes to America The Daydreamers film has been announced in four more upcoming film festivals: Rhode Island International Film Festival | 9 - 15 August 2021 Athens International Film & Video Festival | 15 - 24 October 2021 Brussels Independent Film Festival 2021 | tbc New Jersey Independent Film Festival 2021 | tbc Due to the ongoing pandemic some dates are to-be-determined. View the trailer:
Film-maker looking for MDer’s stories for film and book projects.
Community, Media

Film-maker looking for MDer’s stories for film and book projects.

Hi everyone, My name is Thomas Renckens and I’m the director of the short documentary film ‘The Daydreamers’, which explores the experience of living with MD. Here’s a link to the trailer: THE DAYDREAMERS SHORT DOCUMENTAERY The film is starting to do well in festivals. It’s recently been selected for various academy award qualifying festivals in the US, including Rhode Island Film Festival (August 9 – 15) and Athens International Film + Video Festival (October 15 – 24). Because of COVID, many festivals are also doing online screenings, so there is a possibility of accessing the film through there. On my website, I keep an overview of upcoming screenings for the film: FEATURE ...
Why Maladaptive Daydreamer?
Community, Media

Why Maladaptive Daydreamer?

Jayne Rachael launches new channel on You Tube You may know Jayne Rachael (Bigelsen) from her early work in MD research and advocacy, or from her website, Overcoming Together and it's associated YouTube channel. Recently Jayne has launched a second channel dedicated to Maladaptive Daydreaming; Maladaptive Daydreamer with Jayne Rachael. She explains her decision in the video below.

The Himalayan Article

Nepalese newspaper covers MD. The Himalayan, an English language newspaper distributed in Nepal put out an article about Maladaptive Daydreaming this month. Constantly drowning in a sea of thoughts will inevitably take away a large sum of time, causing one to delay the regular execution of one's daily tasks, leading to low performance and failure.During the period of global uncertainty, where people are made to stay at home, it is almost certain that mental health issues like this have flared up amid the COVID-19 pandemic.As people have limited mobility, they are likely to adapt to this disorder as a strategy to cope with boredom or loneliness. To view the full article click HERE.

All in the Mind Podcast covers Maladaptive Daydreaming

The Australian Broadcasting Corporation Dives into MD Featuring Maladaptive Daydreamer Hannah Byford and Executive Director of the ICMDR, Dr. Soffer-Dudek, ABC dives into MD once more with a 30 minute segment detailing and explaining Maladaptive Daydreaming. As a child, Hannah would spend hours a day in these intricate dreams, building entire new worlds. And by her early 20s, she was spending up to seven hours a day deep in her daydreams.On All in the Mind this week, when daydreams turn dark and the unusual disorder that is 'maladaptive daydreaming.' To listen CLICK HERE
Bustle Article Covers MD

Bustle Article Covers MD

Why Maladaptive Daydreaming is All Over Your For You Page Awareness of Maladaptive Daydreaming has gotten a boost as people continue to cope with lock-downs and Covid restrictions across the world. Helped along, in no small part, by the popular online platform of TikTok. On TikTok, videos with the hashtag #maladaptivedaydreaming have over 12 million views, thanks to people exploring the topic during the pandemic. Acting out scenes in your bedroom, concocting an intense storyline set in the Marvel universe while brewing tea — it's all fair game. And there's research to show the phenomenon isn't isolated to TikTok: A study of patients in 70 countries published in Frontiers in Psychiatry in November found that COVID-19, with its unique (and awful) combination of social isolation and...
An interview with the film-maker behind “The Daydreamers”
Arts, Media

An interview with the film-maker behind “The Daydreamers”

Thomas Renckens talks to 2Doc about the first documentary film on Maladaptive Daydreaming. (an English translation) What made you so interested in exploring the psyche? “I grew up in Friesland – a rural region in the north of the Netherlands – and I think this greatlyinfluenced the theme of my films. As a child, I always used to be quite bored. There wasn’tmuch to do in Friesland. I would often lock myself in my room, and created different fantasyworlds in my head. It was a way for me to keep myself entertained. I think I’ve always had anurge not to be present in the real world. I think the fact that I was gay also played a part. Ialways felt different from others. Because of that, the films I make often deal with the themeof fantasy and escapism.” How did you come up with the id...
Parallel Lives; A Maladaptive Daydreaming Podcast
Announcement, Media

Parallel Lives; A Maladaptive Daydreaming Podcast

Every episode built by the Maladaptive Daydreaming Community Parallel Lives, an MD community podcast is now live. Here hosts, Dimmer and Levi, talk to an every changing panel of guests about their lived experience with Maladaptive Daydreaming. Each episode takes on a different theme allowing the audience to get a feel for MD's impact on the actual lives of fellow MDers. Parallel Lives is available on Spotify, Pocket Casts, Google Podcasts and more (click here). It can also be found on You Tube, the first episode is below. The podcast is published on the 1st and 16th of every month, if you'd like to be a part of the show join the Discord and add the "podcast" role to yourself.
Informative, Media

Interview with Eli Somer

Question Time on maladaptive daydreaming The following article is the transcription of the video interview that Valeria Franco had with Professor Eli Somer, the first who have studied maladaptive daydreaming. You can watch the interview at this link. Valeria Franco: Hello everyone, this is Valeria Franco and today I have a very special guest joining me, Professor Eli Somer. Welcome Professor. Eli Somer: Pleasure to be here.Franco: Professor Somer, you were the first to have studied Maladaptive Daydreaming, in 2002, and so today I would like to talk with you to gain a better understanding of this problem.  I have asked my online communities if they had some questions for you and I have gathered here the most interesting ones.  Somer: Alright.Valeria: The first...
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