
MD YouTubers

Channels dedicated to Maladaptive Daydreaming


This video channel contains brief lectures on psychopathology and psychotherapy by Prof. Eli Somer, Ph.D.


I provide information on MD in a creative and lighthearted manner, to bring positivity to the MaDD community, to engage with other MDers, and to help spread the word about Maladaptive Daydreaming.


I make videos exclusively about MD. Some are just me rambling about things I found helpful, though most try to be informative.

Maladaptive Daydreaming Italia

We talk about MD in response to many questions and topics raised by online communities. Both Italian and English videos, with subtitles in both languages.

Vi parliamo del MD partendo dalle domande e dalle esperienze delle community online. Video in italiano e inglese con sottotitoli in entrambe le lingue.

Özgür Düş

Bu platform maladaptif hayal kurma bozukluğu (MD) hakkında bilimsel bilgiler sağlayarak MD’li bireyleri ve yakınlarını desteklemeyi hedeflemektedir. Kendisi de MD’yi yaşamış olan Psikolog Çağla Altıntaş ve ekibi tarafından kurulmuştur.

Maladaptive Daydreamer with Jayne Rachael

I was patient X-the first patient to be described in a journal as struggling to limit my fantasy worlds. I’m hoping this channel can help show that those of us who have experienced MD need to be taken seriously. 

Single Videos

Non-MD channels one-off videos

Like Stories of Old

The Secret Life of Walter Mitty: Overcoming Maladaptive Daydreaming

Kati Morton

Maladaptive Daydreaming 

Dr. Todd Grande

Is Maladaptive Daydreaming a Mental Disorder?

Bebar Bilim

Gerçeklikten Kaçış: Maladaptive Daydreaming


What is Maladaptive Daydreaming?

Shaina Leis

I Am a Maladaptive Daydreamer

Dr. Tracey Marks

Maladaptive Daydreaming vs Mind Wandering

Healthy Gamer GG

Your Constant Daydreaming Could be Hurting Your Mental Health