Thursday, May 2

New Spanish-Language Community

Nuevo sub sobre la Ensoñación Excesiva

A new subReddit dedictaed to Maladaptive Daydreaming has been created for Spanish-speaking sufferers. From the official announcement:

Dear all, and especially those Spanish-speakers Daydreamers among you,

…Today’s access to information through new technologies have enabled us to come together in this corner of the Internet to talk about what and how we dream. And the fact that I have finally found a group of people with whom to talk to, and find support from, really means a lot to me emotionally.

… I personally am not a native English-speaker, and it wasn’t until I gained fluency in this second language of mine that I really began connecting with other people with the same condition. And that is why, as a way of giving back to the world what places like these have given to me, I have recently created a new subreddit, one dedicated to the discussion of Maladaptive Daydreaming in Spanish. I’m hoping it can turn into a place of discussion and support for those who may not be able to fully participate in this one community due to the language barrier.

Mis queridos compañeros ensoñadores del mundo; es de mi mayor agrado comunicaros la creación de un subreddit dedicado a la discusión de la Ensoñación Excesiva en nuestro idioma. Espero, humildemente, que se pueda convertir en un lugar de la red en el que personas que experimentan ensoñación excesiva puedan conectar con otras con quienes compartir sus vivencias. Por supuesto, sois todos muy bienvenidos a uniros y hacerlo vuestro; lo que es más: si entre cualquiera de vosotros hubiese personas que quisieran moderar dicha comunidad, sabed que también sois bienvenidos para ello.

To check out the community click HERE

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