Saturday, February 15


Meet Up in Bologna, Italy
Community, Event

Meet Up in Bologna, Italy

Must Register, Space Limited Il 23 ottobre 2022 ci incontreremo a Bologna presso la sede Baumhaus (Via Sebastiano Serlio 25) per una giornata di incontro, condivisione e attività insieme. La partecipazione è gratuita ma è possibile effettuare una libera donazione sul posto per aiutarci a coprire i costi della giornata. I posti sono limitati, perciò è necessario inviare la propria richiesta di adesione tramite il modulo sottostante entro il 18/10/22. Registrati/Register "On 23 October 2022 we will meet in Bologna at the Baumhaus headquarters (Via Sebastiano Serlio 25) for a day of meeting, sharing and activities together. Participation is free but it is possible to make a free donation on site to help us cover the costs of the day. Places are limited, so it is necessary to...
MaDDtober 2022
Arts, Community, Event

MaDDtober 2022

MD themed Inktober prompt list Maddtober is a Maladaptive Daydreaming prompt list put out as an alternate list to the popular Inktober challenge. The challenge is a fun month-long event for artists of all skill levels. To participate one draws their interpretation of that day's word and posts it to social media with the associated hashtag. In this case #maddtober.MaDDtober 2022 prompt list: InwardCreativeIdealFuturePaceAdventureLoveHereAlternateTogetherIsolationDeepCraveShadowFeelFindControlGoalWorldStoryFreezeComfortEmptyWorkEssentialStayCareBecauseClosePossibleAway
MD Discord Watch Party
Community, Event, Media

MD Discord Watch Party

The Daydreamers mini doc, Sept 23/24 7pm EST The Maladaptive Daydreaming Discord server will be showing The Daydreamer mini doc, by Thomas Renckens, this Friday and Saturday (the 23rd and 24th of September 2022). The film will start at 7pm EST and is 33 minutes long. What if you’re addicted to your own fantasy? The Daydreamers takes a closer look at the phenomenon of ‘Maladaptive Daydreaming’ – a psychological term coined by Prof. Dr. Eli Somer, which is characterised by extensive fantasy activity, so much so that it replaces human interaction and impairs real-life functioning.This is the first ever documentary to touch upon this largely unknown condition, which affects hundreds of thousands of individuals worldwide. Protagonists Agatha and Jessica meet Eli Somer for the first ti...
Live Webinar on July 20: Maladaptive Daydreaming vs. ADHD: Important Similarities and Distinctive Differences

Live Webinar on July 20: Maladaptive Daydreaming vs. ADHD: Important Similarities and Distinctive Differences

Dr. Nirit Soffer-Dudek host free webinar with ADDitude From website: Maladaptive daydreaming is different from the mind-wandering typically experienced by people with ADHD, and it is rapidly gaining recognition in the scientific arena. Maladaptive dreaming is not yet a psychiatric diagnosis.In this webinar, you will learn:-How maladaptive daydreaming is defined and experienced-About the link between maladaptive daydreaming and ADHD-About the differences between maladaptive daydreaming and ADHD and mind-wandering-How mental health clinicians can assess maladaptive daydreaming and treatment implications Clic...
Results in; October 1st chosen as MD awareness date.
Announcement, Event

Results in; October 1st chosen as MD awareness date.

The awareness poll results are in. This poll was shared across MD communities on a variety of platforms. Thank you to everyone who participated. October 1st is the date that was chosen. MDC members are currently working to meet requirements for awareness day registries. In the meantime though; we do not need the date to be registered to observe it. Please contact the MDC with awareness event or campaign ideas.
MaDDtober Kicks Off
Arts, Event

MaDDtober Kicks Off

A Maladaptive Daydreaming themed Inktober Inktober is a popular month long art challenge. Every year a list of prompts is posted and artists and armatures alike take up the challenge. The premise is simple; Make a art based on the prompt, post it to social media, hastag it, repeat the next day until the end of the month. Many niche interests and subcultures generate themed lists for their own communities, the Maladaptive Daydreaming community among them. It began in 2020 with the MD YouTuber MaDDArt and will, hopefully, continue for years to come. Anyone can participate! Try your hand at all the prompts, pick and choose your favorites, just remember the hashtag!#maddtober
Artist, Ashley Wright Brings Awareness to Mental Health and Maladaptive Daydreaming
Arts, Event

Artist, Ashley Wright Brings Awareness to Mental Health and Maladaptive Daydreaming

Art Association features Redlands native, U of R grad From the article: “My paintings are visually inspired by the natural landscapes of Southern California, 1980s and ’90s nostalgia, and sci-fi artwork,” she said. “I am surrounded by the beautiful San Bernardino National Forest, Joshua Tree National Park, Santa Rosa Wilderness and the Angeles National Forest. These natural landscapes have played a huge part in my life and continue to inspire my art.”She has a passion for raising awareness around mental health.“Each painting is a peek into how my mind perceives the world while struggling with dissociation, derealization, depersonalization and maladaptive daydreaming,” she said.
How to view The Daydreamers documentary
Announcement, Event

How to view The Daydreamers documentary

'The Daydreamers' documentary has been selected for this year's 'Rhode Island International Film Festival'.Because of the pandemic, the festival is organizing online screenings, which gives everyone around the world an opportunity to access the film for free. 'The Daydreamers' is scheduled to go live from this Friday August 13th at 5:15pm EST. It will be available to watch for a full seven days following its launch, so the last day to watch it will be Friday August 20th. You'll be able to access the film using this link: the film goes live, you will see a viewing link appear as well as a ticket icon, which will direct you to 'The Daydreamers' screening block. To access the film, you will just need to click the "To V...
The Daydreamers Documentary; New Screenings
Event, Media

The Daydreamers Documentary; New Screenings

The Daydreamers comes to America The Daydreamers film has been announced in four more upcoming film festivals: Rhode Island International Film Festival | 9 - 15 August 2021 Athens International Film & Video Festival | 15 - 24 October 2021 Brussels Independent Film Festival 2021 | tbc New Jersey Independent Film Festival 2021 | tbc Due to the ongoing pandemic some dates are to-be-determined. View the trailer:
May is mental health awareness month
Announcement, Event

May is mental health awareness month

Depression and anxiety are two of the most common forms of mental health issues. On average, 1 in 5 Americans will experience a mental health issue this year. You are not alone. To Support Your Mental Health Allow yourself to feel. “big girls don’t cry,” or “man up.” These outdated ideas are harmful, not helpful. Everyone has emotions – they are part of the human experience-and you have every right to feel them. Don’t ignore how you’re feeling. When we try to push feelings aside without addressing them, they build strength and make us more likely to “explode” at some point in the future. It may not always be appropriate to process your emotions at the very moment you are feeling them, but try to do so as soon as you can. Talk it out. Find someone you trust that you can talk t...
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