Saturday, February 15

Newly Published: Attached to Virtual Daydreams

The Mediating Role of Maladaptive Daydreaming in the Relationship Between Attachment Styles and Problematic Social Media Use

Italian researchers have published a new paper on Maladaptive Daydreaming, attachment styles and Problematic social Media Use.


…Eight hundred seventy-seven participants between 18 and 68 years old were recruited via an online survey and asked to fill out self-reported measures on attachment styles, maladaptive daydreaming, and PSMU. Mediation analyses showed that maladaptive daydreaming is a significant mediator in the relationships between preoccupied and fearful attachment styles and PSMU, suggesting that maladaptive daydreaming partly explains the established link between insecure attachment styles and excessive use of social media. Individuals with PSMU fostered by maladaptive daydreaming may benefit from clinical interventions that promote the use of adaptive regulatory strategies to develop feelings of security and self-confidence that may serve to reduce the excessive involvement in social media.

Costanzo, A., Santoro, G., Russo, S., Cassarà, M.S., Midolo, L.,R., Billieux, J., & Schimmenti, A. (2021). Attached to Virtual Dreams, The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease: April 26, 2021 – Volume Publish Ahead of Print – Issue – doi: 10.1097/NMD.0000000000001356

A link to the full study, and more, can be found on the ICMDR’s ‘publications’ page, HERE.

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