Friday, May 3

Overcoming Together Post; How to Write Your Own Medical History and Find the Right Doctor

Advise for Maladaptive Daydreamers and anyone with a difficult to diagnose condition.

Overcoming Together gives solid advise in their article How to Write Your Own Medical History and Find the Right Doctor. Here Dr. Stephen J. Bigelsen breaks it down into 7 steps and gives some insight into how to find a doctor who can work with a difficult to diagnose condition. 

Overcoming Together is the passion project of Jayne Rachel, a long time advocate and researcher of MD. Being a recovered MDer herself this site is meant to empower MDers, and other people with hard to diagnose or overlooked conditions, and give them agency.

Write Your Own History

Any doctor will tell you that the first step to making the proper diagnosis is taking a good history. Taking a patient’s history is an art that is learned in medical school and practiced over and over again. Writing your own history may give you clues to your own diagnosis and would be useful to any specialist you’re planning to see.

Step 1:
Symptoms: List all your symptoms as concise and succinctly as possible without using medical terms. Give the start date, frequency, duration of episodes and severity. List the most bothersome symptoms first, but don’t forget to list symptoms that don’t seem like a big deal as they might provide clues to the diagnosis. When do symptoms occur? Morning, night, before or after meals, at rest or with activity? If you have more than one symptom, do they occur together or separately or one after the other? Do they start gradually and progress or start suddenly? All these things can provide clues to the diagnosis.

To see the full article follow this link

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