Saturday, February 15


MD Researchers Discover TikTok
Community, Media

MD Researchers Discover TikTok

Eli Somer and Jayne Rachael can now be found on the popular platform Maladaptive Daydreamers are finding an audience on the popular app TikTok where some content is receiving millions of views, prompting even professionals to adopt the platform as a way to spread resources, awareness and information. Eli Somer, the psychologist who coined the term 'Maladaptive Daydreaming' and leads much of the research into it has recently set up his own account. You can find it HERE.So has Jayne Rachael, the first MD patient and tireless advocate for the condition. You can see her account by clicking HERE.
Call for participation: Awareness Dates Poll

Call for participation: Awareness Dates Poll

Take this poll to help us choose a time to observe MD We’d like to take a moment to ask ALL MDers, on every platform, to take this brief poll.  Awareness efforts have been scattered, with everyone doing their own thing. We’d like the community, as a whole, to decide when is the best time for a Maladaptive Daydreaming Awareness ‘observance’ of some kind. Every single vote matters.If you are bi-lingual:  Below there are links to this survey in various languages.  Please, take them, carry them to any community or Maladaptive Daydreamer you know of in these languages.  Here is the survey in: English French/français
Film-maker looking for MDer’s stories for film and book projects.
Community, Media

Film-maker looking for MDer’s stories for film and book projects.

Hi everyone, My name is Thomas Renckens and I’m the director of the short documentary film ‘The Daydreamers’, which explores the experience of living with MD. Here’s a link to the trailer: THE DAYDREAMERS SHORT DOCUMENTAERY The film is starting to do well in festivals. It’s recently been selected for various academy award qualifying festivals in the US, including Rhode Island Film Festival (August 9 – 15) and Athens International Film + Video Festival (October 15 – 24). Because of COVID, many festivals are also doing online screenings, so there is a possibility of accessing the film through there. On my website, I keep an overview of upcoming screenings for the film: FEATURE ...
Why Maladaptive Daydreamer?
Community, Media

Why Maladaptive Daydreamer?

Jayne Rachael launches new channel on You Tube You may know Jayne Rachael (Bigelsen) from her early work in MD research and advocacy, or from her website, Overcoming Together and it's associated YouTube channel. Recently Jayne has launched a second channel dedicated to Maladaptive Daydreaming; Maladaptive Daydreamer with Jayne Rachael. She explains her decision in the video below.
Parenthood in daydreaming
Advise, Community

Parenthood in daydreaming

Maladaptive daydreams can sometimes display complex familial structures and this week we asked daydreamers whether they were parents in their daydreams and whether parenthood played a major role in them. For a large part the answer turned negative, interestingly those who answered so made a direct link between their real life and their daydreams: not wanting kids, they don’t imagine having them either in their imaginary lives. For those who were not opposed to it, parenthood is often depicted in an idyllic fashion: “I have had daydreaming phases where I was pregnant or holding my newborn in my arms, hugging and rocking it. I never daydreamed the “bad sides” of having a baby such as switching diapers, baby cries, being woken up at night… in short, everything down to earth and ...
Are you troubled by negative daydreams?

Are you troubled by negative daydreams?

"If you can begin to understand that your frightening fantasies are no longer helping, you can learn to change gears and try to get them out of your mind. Just because a daydream flashes into your mind doesn't mean you have to run with it until it's conclusion. " excerpt from the article, Dealing with worry based fantasies and daydreams. read the full article at the link below, DAYMARES
Announcement, Community

A Day in the Life of a daydreamer

Maladaptive daydreaming disorder support group on Facebook now has a new sub group. Our main group has always been about supporting each other in coping with the negative aspects of md and striving to improve our real lives. Our new subgroup is a more relaxed conversational group for just talking about all aspects of daydreaming.

How did daydreamers find out about maladaptive daydreaming?

Becoming aware of a different behavior in oneself is already difficult enough. But then how to find an explanation to it, and how to find out whether we are the only ones to experience it? What searches lead to a condition that’s not quite yet recognized by the scientific community? This week we asked daydreamers how they found out about the term “maladaptive daydreaming”. Some daydreamers of an inquisitive nature were led by their  own introspection to search if everyone was developing such intense universes and daydreaming sessions. “One day, I asked myself whether everybody was inventing such stories or whether I was the only one.” Or they were motivated by the feeling of a difference between them and their relatives or friends. “Even if I wasn’t sad, there was a big f...
Çağla Altıntaş on the Turkish community Özgür Düş and Maladaptive Daydreaming

Çağla Altıntaş on the Turkish community Özgür Düş and Maladaptive Daydreaming

In this video Turkish psychologist Çağla Altıntaş explains a bit about Maladaptive Daydreaming and her hopes for the Turkish community. English subtitles are available in the video and there is a transcription below Özlem: Hello! Could you please tell us about yourself and about this Platform? Altıntaş: Sure. My name is Çağla Altıntaş, I am a psychologist. I've created Özgür Düş Platform in order to convey information specifically about Maladaptive Daydreaming, to evaluate the accuracy of information scattered around the web and make it accessible to people that need it, and to make the scientifically accurate information more understandable. Even though we are concentrating on maladaptive daydreaming content we create will also b...
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